Casamento de Euzelia e Juarez.


Euzelia and Juarez's wedding.
Casamento de Euzelia e Juarez.


Euzelia and Juarez's wedding.
Their marriage lasted 10 years, ending because
Juarez had girlfriends and children with other women
while married to Euzelia.

Additionally, his violent tantrums led to him attacking
and attempting to choke her during their marriage, with
one occassion being interrupted by his young children.

She called the police and he was charged with assault,
but she later dropped charges and divorced him.
Euzelia na maternidade.


Euzelia in the maternity ward.
Claudia Lira e Juarez Evaristo da Silva


Claudia Lira and Juarez Evaristo da Silva
Claudia Lira - TAM


Claudia Lira - Tam
Euzelia, antes do ataque.


Euzelia, before the attack.
Euzelia apos ataque por Juarez.


Euzelia, after the attack by Juarez.
Thalyson e Matheus - Filhos de Euzelia - com Luzia, mãe de Euzelia


Euzelia's two sons, Thalyson and Matheus, with their Euzelia's mother, Luzia.
Conterrāneos que compareceram ao sepultamento em Caicó, RN


Neighbours who attended the burial in Caico, RN


Homero at Euzelia's funeral.


Homero at Euzelia's funeral.


Homero at Euzelia's funeral.