Crime em Manaus:
Assassinada na véspera do Dia das Mães - pelo próprio ex-marido - na presença dos filhos

O Senhor Juarez Evaristo da Silva, mecânico de manutenção da Azul Linhas Aéreas em Manaus, assassinou a sua ex-esposa Euzelia Maria da Silva na manhã do dia 11 de maio passado - Véspera do DIA DAS MÃES.

Euzelia foi atacada por Juarez, atirada contra uma parede e esmurrada na parte superior da cabeça, do lado esquerdo, vindo a sofrer um trauma craniano que lhe causou hemorragia e eventualmente morte cerebral.

Juarez assassinou Euzelia diante dos próprios filhos do casal. No processo do ataque, ele colocou-a no chão e com o joelho direito sobre o tórax da vítima, esmurrou-a repetidamente com os dois punhos.

O audio do crime está disponível nesta página, gravado pelo filho Matheus, o qual teve a coragem de entregá-lo aos seus tios.

Euzelia viajou de Natal-RN e chegou em Manaus-AM na tarde do dia 10 de maio, juntamente com o filho Matheus. O Sr. Juarez levou-os a pernoitar na sua residência. Euzelia já alugara um apartamento onde pretendia viver com os dois rapazes de 18 e 22 anos, frutos dos 10 anos de casamento com Juarez - do qual Euzelia divorciou-se 10 anos atrás e com quem mantinha um relacionamento amigavel.

O Senhor Juarez não dormiu na residência durante a noite em que Euzelia ali se hospedou. Na manhã seguinte, a namorada do Sr. Juarez - a Srta. Claudia Lira de Oliveira, uma funcionária no guichê da TAM Linhas Aereas, chegou na residência de Juarez e, iniciou uma discussão com Matheus - zangada por encontrá-lo ocupando a cama do pai.

Claudia, enciumada por saber que a ex-esposa de Juarez e os seus filhos estavam hospedados ali naquela noite, chegou na manhã do dia 11 pronta para criar um conflito. Abriu portas e janelas, ligou a TV em alto volume e ficou intimando a Juarez por telefone, insistindo que Juarez viesse até a residência e retirasse o hóspede da cama, porque ela desejava dormir, após trabalhar durante a noite no guichê da TAM, apesar de não residir ali (Escute o audio, preludio ao crime).

Matheus resolveu gravar as provocações da namorada do pai com o propósito de provar para esse que fora ela e, não ele, que estava iniciando as provocações.

Ao chegar o Sr. Juarez esmurrou o próprio filho e, quando Euzelia interferiu tentando acalmar os ânimos, o Sr. Juarez voltou-se contra ela e atacou-a selvagemente, causando-lhe a injuria fisica e fatal.

Euzelia residiu em Natal durante 25 anos e, foi para Manaus a convite do Sr. Juarez, com o propósito de ajudar os filhos, aos quais o Sr. Juarez previamente trouxera para Manaus - sob a promessa de emprego - mas que não lhes estava dando a assistência adequada. Três meses antes, o Sr. Juarez convidou Euzélia a mudar-se para Manaus para ajudar aos filhos e ajudou-a a arrumar emprego. Euzélia deixou o seu emprego em Natal, vendeu os seus móveis, alugou a sua residência e mudou-se para Manaus para ajudar aos seus filhos.

Ao invés de ajudar aos filhos Euzélia foi assassinada. Um assassinato cruel, covarde e desnecessário.

Juarez matou-a e tentou encobrir o crime. Criou uma estória de que Euzelia sofrera uma queda no banheiro. O assassino covarde e mentiroso procurou esconder os fatos, enganar a família e ludribiar a polícia. No final Juarez descobriu que a mentira tem pernas curtas... e terminou confessando a sua culpa ao delegado.

Agora o assassino está tentando outro método: Ele está buscando um médico que o declare incapacitado mental. O problema dele, contudo é que TUDO o que chegar ao nosso conhecimento será divulgado nesta página e o publico saberá os nomes, ocupação e até o endereço de TODOS aqueles que se associarem ou auxiliarem a esse assassino.

Por ultimo o assassino Juarez já conseguiu uma licença do seu emprego na AZUL por questão de saude (irônico, não? Assassina a mulher, sai de licença médica e agora está buscando uma aposentadoria).

Acorde, assassino. A casa caiu!

Crime in Manaus:
Murdered on the eve of Mother's Day - by her ex -husband -
in the presence of their children

Mr. Juarez Evaristo da Silva, a maintenance mechanic with Azul Airlines in Manaus, murdered his ex-wife Euzelia Maria da Silva, on the morning of May 11th, the day before MOTHER'S DAY.

Euzelia was attacked by Juarez, pushed against a wall, and punched
repeatedly on the head, on the left side of her temple. She suffered a serious concussion, internal bleeding, and eventually cerebral death.

Juarez murdered Euzelia in front of their own children. During the attack, he dropped her to the ground, knelt over her torso and punched her with both fists.

An audio of the crime is available on this page and was recorded by Matheus, the younger son who had the courage to turn it over to his uncles, Euzelia's brothers.

Euzelia left the city of Natal, in the North-east of Brazil and went North to the Amazonian city of Manaus, arriving on the afternoon of May 10th, 2013. She travelled with her son Matheus. Juarez, the ex-husband, met them both and insisted that they spend the night at his house, inspite of the fact that Euzelia already had rented an apartment for herself and the boys, age 18 and 22.

Euzelia and Juarez divorced 10 years earlier and maintained friendly contact for the boys' sake. The boys had moved to Manaus, after high school, invited by Juarez, who promised to find them work. When problems arose between the boys and Juarez's girlfriend, he invited Euzelia to move to Manaus to help out. She quit her job, sold her belongings, rented her house out, found herself an apartment in Manaus and settled on the job that Juarez helped her find.

Now Juarez took her and Matheus, the younger son, to his house for the night. Thalyson, the older one, was already there. Juarez didn't spend the night at the residence, nor did his girlfriend who worked during the night at the airport counter of TAM Airlines and who had her own place.

On the morning of May 11th, however, the girlfriend, Ms. Claudia Lira de Oliveira, arrived at the home. She was very upset that the ex-wife and her children were at Juarez's home. Claudia insisted that she wanted to sleep at her boyfriend's bed after her night shift, and told Matheus to get out of it. He refused.

Claudia opened the windows, turned the TV on, shoulted and called Juarez on the phone to come home and kick the boy out of his bed. Matheus started taping the exchange on his iphone to prove to his father that his girlfriend was acting up and starting a fight with him.

When Juarez arrived, upset with the commotion, he punched Matheus. When Euzelia tried to stop him by grabbing him from behind, he came after her and attacked and injured her. She died on the same day.

Euzelia was a resident of the city of Natal for 25 years, including the 10 years in which she was married to Juarez.

The married life with Juarez was difficult because of his many lovers, children with other woman and his violent tamtrums. Once he tried to choke Euzelia and was interrupted by the two young boys. She called the police, he was charged with assault, but eventually she went and got the charges dropped and divorced him.

During the 10 years in which they were divorced, Juarez kept in touch with Euzelia - and even after moving away - he kept calling, asking his friends to drop by and keeping tab on her relationship with her boyfriend.

Against all advice, Euzelia moved to Manaus to help her children adapt to the new city, but instead got herself murdered in a cruel, coward and unnecessary attack.

After the violent act, Juarez tried to conceal the crime. His maid took Euzelia to the hospital by taxi and declared to the social worker that Euzelia had fallen at the shower, that morning and that she got hurt by hitting her head to the floor. The lies progressed when Juarez called on his friends - a group of pilots with Azul Airlines, who together had a meeting to plan how to deceive Euzelia's family and the police. It took 3 days before the family was informed that Euzelia had an accident. The boys were basically forced to lie. Euzelia's silence (in not calling her own mother on mother's day) was explained that she was busy, had gone out with her boys or that she was shopping. She was in fact already dead and the boys were traumatized.

Euzelia's brother in Natal became very suspiscious and insisted on speaking with different people, to be eventually told that Euzelia died. The body was sent for burial with the boys and a pilot - a friend of Juarez - named Homero Augusto Dias Queiroz. This man was rude, arrogant and standing by the boys, basically not giving them space to even talk to their grandmother.

Eventually everything started to unravel. First, one of the boys spoke to one of his uncles. Than came the tape. In it there was enough evidence to eventually get a confession from the killer to the police. Before that, however - because they didn't know of the existence of this tape - everyone of them lied to the police, including the pilot who wrote a glowing letter to the newspaper about Juarez. Now he may be facing charges himself and if Azul Airlines decide not to have people who work to cover murder as pilots - Homero and his friends may not have a job for long.

Juarez, however is already playing another card. He is now claiming to have mental problems and secured a medical licence from his employer Azul Airlines. He is shopping for a doctor to give him a certificate of mental incapacity.

In the meantime, we - Euzelia's family - are attempting to transform our pain and frustration into a positive energy and search for justice.

We are driven to uncover any evidence that we can give to the police and to publish the names, addresses and any and all information related to all those who are supporting this coward murderer.

The life of a woman in Brazil has little or no value and this group of people were quite confortable in despising Euzelia's family, the police and the Brazilian justice system.

They lost and they will pay.

We trust the Police in the Amazon. We trust the Brazilian Justice System.